Week 8



Changes in routine activity and security: What have we learned?

Podcasts – Week 8


In this last week of podcasts, we cover the experiences from three experts: Dr. Subeh Chowdhury, who is senior lecturer at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the University of Auckland in New Zealand followed by Mateja Mihinjac who is a criminologist and crime prevention expert from Slovenia who is currently completing doctoral researcher at Griffith University, Australia. Finally, but not least, Åsa Lennerö who is a sociologist responsible for the crime statistics at BRÅ, the Swedish National Crime Prevention Council.

Eight weeks of lockdown, 21 podcasts in six continents. These podcasts are about what we as researchers or practitioners are learning about this unprecedented moment. These conversations were driven by my curiosity to know what was happening in the world in times of lockdown, in the streets, and in the domestic environments. Whether and how mobility, crime, and safety were redefined by the pandemic.

These conversations turned out to be highly therapeutic and took me far beyond I initially expected. Thanks for all speakers and for you who followed us over these weeks, thanks for the company, and stay safe!

Vania Ceccato

Safeplaces Network

Other Podcasts




Dr. Subeh Chowdhury talks about her experience of the lockdown in New Zealand and how the pandemic has created “a window of opportunity” to make public transportation safer and more attractive. She also mentioned how important is to hire “the right” people for the job, for instance, to make public transportation more inclusive and safe for all.









Back in Ljubljana, Mateja Mihinjac describes the huge changes in routine activity in the capital of Slovenia and she was surprised that changes in patterns of crime were relatively minor compared to what has been elsewhere. For research, she believes that the nature of fear in public spaces (with lockdown and currently social distancing) deserves to be better understood in post-corona times.









BRÅ has followed trends in crime statistics over the past 2 months and compared to the same period last year. This is summarized in a newly BRÅ report written by Åsa Lennerö, among others. In this final podcast, Åsa describes the purpose of crime statistics, including limitations and why we need to observe trends over long periods of time.






