Tidigare evenemang Tidigare Evenemang Crime and Safety in the Rural: Lessons from Research, Booklaunch, 11 November 2022 Colloquium: Safety, resilience and community: Challenges and opportunities beyond the city, 29 September 2020 Trygghet på väg: Ett Seminarium om hela resans perspektiv på mobilitet, 4th October 2019 A conference on the individual’s right to safe public places, 17-18th October 2018 Den andra nationella workshopen den 10:e november 2017 “Eyes & apps on the streets: From natural surveillance to crime sousveillance“, den 8:e september 2017 Den första nationella workshopen den 15 maj 2017 Säkraplatser KICK-OFF möte, 27 januari 2017 Retail crime: International evidence and prevention, 15th September 2016 Finance, harm and white collar crime, 15th-16th October 2015, se resultat av seminarium i Special issue i Crime, Law and Social Change (2016), 66 (2) och slides Rural crime and community safety, oktober 2014, se resultat av seminarium i Special issue i Journal of Rural Studies (2015),39. Safety in Transit Environments, 17th October 2013, se resultat av seminarium i Bok Safety and Security in Transit Environments Security Matters! 20th-21st May 2010; se resultat av seminarium i Bok The Urban Fabric of Crime and Fear och slides Dela