Public places

Crime and fear in public places. A global look. In V. N. Ceccato, M. K. (Eds.) (Ed.), Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (pp. 446-459), London: Routledge.

Mapping Open Drug Scenes (ODS). In V. N. Ceccato, M. K. (Eds.) (Ed.), Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (pp. 332-352), London: Routledge.

The role of public places in Disability Hate Crimes (DHCs). In V. N. Ceccato, M. K. (Eds.) (Ed.), Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (pp. 152-168), London: Routledge.

The circumstances of crime and fear in public places.A review of theories. In V. N. Ceccato, M. K. (Eds.) (Ed.), Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (pp. 43-64), London: Routledge.

Crime and fear in Public Places. Aim, Scope and Context. In V. N. Ceccato, M. K. (Eds.) (Ed.), Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (pp. 30-42), London: Routledge.

Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities, London: Routledge.

Fieldwork protocol as a safety inventory tool in public places, Criminal Justice Studies, 32:2, 165-188.

Public Space and the Situational Conditions of Crime and Fear. International Criminal Justice Review, 26: 69-79.

Assessing elderly victimization and fear of crime in public spaces. International Criminal Justice Review, 26:115-133.

Is CPTED useful to improve safety in parks? A test case in Stockholm, Sweden. International Criminal Justice Review, 26.

Does crime in parks affect housing prices? Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 16: 97-121.

Experiences from Assessing Safety in Vingis Park, Vilnius, Lithuania. Review of European studies, 5:1-17.


