Crime and safety in transit environments

The Dynamics of Thefts and Robberies in São Paulo’s Metro, Brazil, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research (2020)

Contextual determinants of fear of crime in public transit. An Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) pilot study. In V. N.Ceccato, M. K. (Eds.) (Ed.), Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (pp. 318-331), London: Routledge.

An analysis of transit safety among college students in Lagos, Nigeria. In V. N.Ceccato, M. K. (Eds.) (Ed.), Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (pp. 221-241), London: Routledge.

Transit safety among college students in Tokyo-Kanagawa, Japan Victimization, safety perceptions and preventive measures. In V. N.Ceccato, M. K. (Eds.) (Ed.), Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (pp. 187-202), London: Routledge.

Youth safety in public transportation: The case of eastern Mexico city, Mexico. In V. N.Ceccato, M. K. (Eds.) (Ed.), Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (pp. 172-186), London: Routledge.

Do green areas affect crime and safety?. In V. N. Ceccato, M. K. (Eds.) (Ed.), Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (pp. 102-134), London: Routledge.

Brott på tunnelbana 2009-2019, Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Transit Crime and Sexual Violence in Cities: International Evidence and Prevention. NY, London: Routledge.

Trygghet i kollektivtrafiken i Stockholm i ett internationellt perspektiv: En handlingsplan mot sexuella trakasserier och brott i transitmiljöer (2019)

Moving safely: crime and perceived safety in Stockholm’s subway stations. Plymouth: Lexington.

Ensuring safe mobility for all: The case of Stockholm, Sweden. Municipal Engineer, 168(1).

Airport Environment and Passengers’ Satisfaction with Safety, Journal of Applied Security Research, 12:3, 356-373

Does the environment of airports affect passengers’ satisfaction with safety? Journal of Applied Security Research, 12:3, 356-373

Bus Stops and Violence, Are Risky Places Really Risky?. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 24(4), 351-371

Crime in transit environments: Lessons from Stockholm (Sweden) and São Paulo (Brazil) metro systems. Landscape Architecture, 7

Individual, Travel, and Bus Stop Characteristics Influencing Travelers’ Safety Perceptions. Transportation Research Record

Women’s victimization and safety in transit environments. Foreword. Crime Prev Community Saf (2017) 19:163–167

Women’s transit safety: making connections and defining future directions in research and practice. Afterword. Crime Prev Community Saf (2017) 19:276–287

Practical Challenges and New Research Frontiers for Safety and Security in Transit Environments. In: V. Ceccato & A. Newton, Safety and security in transit environments. Basingstoke, Palgrave, 362-383.

Safety and security in transit environments: an international perspective. Palgrave.

The Geography of Pickpocketing at Bus Stops: An Analysis of Grid Cells. In: Safety and Security in Transit Environments. Ceccato, V.; Newton, A. (eds.), Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp 76-98.

Safety in transit environments. Security Journal, 27: 127–131.

Space-time dynamics of crime in transport nodes. The Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 104: 131-150.

Safety on the move: Crime and perceived safety in transit environments, Introduction to the Special Issue. Security Journal, 27(2), 127-131

Making transport nodes safer: an agenda for actions in underground stations in Stockholm, Sweden. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 20:73-100.

Moving safely: crime and perceived safety in Stockholm’s subway stations. Plymouth: Lexington.

Crime in border regions: The Scandinavian case of Öresund, 1998-2001. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 94:807-826.

Suicides in commuting railway systems in Stockholm, Sweden. Journal of Affective Disorder, 198: 206–221.

Temporal and spatial patterns of suicides in Stockholm’s subway stations. Accidents Analysis and Prevention, 81:86-106.

Making transport nodes safer: an agenda for action in underground stations in Stockholm. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 20:73-100

Making transport nodes safer: an agenda for actions in underground stations in Stockholm, Sweden. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 20:73-100.

Moving safely: crime and perceived safety in Stockholm’s subway stations. Plymouth: Lexington.

Safety in Stockholm’s underground stations: the importance of environmental attributes and context. Security Journal, 26: 33-59.

Ändstationer är mer våldsdrabbade, Dagens Nyheter, 2 February 2012.

Har miljö betydelse för säkerhet och trygghet på T-banan? PLAN. 1(1):29-43.

Safety in Stockholm’s underground stations: the importance of environmental attributes and context. Security Journal, 26, 33–59.


