
Nytt material för undervisning om situationsbaserad brottsprevention

Nytt material för undervisning om situationsbaserad brottsprevention

Letar du efter nytt material för undervisning om situationsbaserad brottsprevention och trygghet? Nu finns boken ”Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities” som är resultatet från konferensen med samma namn som ägde på KTH för två år sedan. En special issue av International Journal of Comparative & Applied Criminal Justice 2020 har också kommit ut.

Tack KTH, Michigan state university och UH-Habitats Safer cities program som bekostat open access kostnader för boken.

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Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities






Chapter 1 Crime and fear in public places: Aim, scope and context

Chapter 2 The circumstances of crime and fear in public places

Chapter 3 The architecture of crime and fear of crime: Research evidence on lighting, CCTV and CPTED features

Chapter 4 Do green areas affect crime and safety?

Chapter 5 Safety of urban park users: The case of Poznań, Poland

Chapter 6 The role of public places in Disability Hate Crimes (DHCs)

Chapter 7 Youth safety in public transportation: The case of eastern Mexico City, Mexico  

Chapter 8 Transit safety among college students in Tokyo-Kanagawa, Japan

Chapter 9 Women and LGBTI youth as targets: Assessing transit safety in Rio Claro, Brazil 

Chapter 10 An analysis of transit safety among college students in Lagos, Nigeria

Chapter 11 Contested gendered space

Chapter 12 Sexual harassment in public spaces in India: Victimization and offending patterns

Chapter 13 Does context matter? Older adults’ safety perceptions of neighborhood environments in Sweden

Chapter 14 Individual and spatial dimensions of women’s fear of crime

Chapter 15 Contextual determinants of fear of crime in public transit

Chapter 16 Mapping Open Drug Scenes (ODS)

Chapter 17 “Fear in 280 characters”

Chapter 18 Fear of the dark: The potential impact of reduced street lighting on crime and fear of crime   

Chapter 19 Evaluating harm-reduction initiatives in a night-time economy and music festival context

Chapter 20 Crime and fear in Hollygrove—building neighborhood resilience

Chapter 21 Safety in the making An assessment of urban planners’ practices in municipalities in Sweden

Chapter 22 Crime and fear in public places: A Global Look

Chapter 23 Responding to crime and fear in public places
