
The impact of COVID-19 on women in transport – Webinar 15 May, 15:00 Swedish Time


On Friday 15th May 2020 at 14.00 BST, join the UKAid-funded High Volume Transport Applied Research Programme (HVT) and the World Road Association – PIARC to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on women in transport.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are living in unprecedented times.
However, the impact of social distancing policies on the transport sector in low-income countries presents different challenges to those faced in developed economies.
The differences in impact of such policies on men and women is also challenging.

Globally, more women than men work in the health sector and need to travel to work despite stay at home policies. Women frequently play a greater role than men in feeding and caring for household member and in many low-income countries, women play a large part in the informal economy and local food supply. They often need to travel for food and medicines.

As economies close in response to COVID-19, women face significant risks to their health and livelihoods. In the transport sector, where women are already significantly under-represented, they face precarious and vulnerable employment situations that any COVID-19-related economic crisis will accentuate, in a differentiated way to that facing men in the sector.

Any post-COVID-19 response must recognize these gender differences, involve both men and women in its development, and be equitable and inclusive in its impact. This webinar draws on current experiences from experts around the world working in this field and will draw together thoughts on key issues and useful initiatives in place or planned to address them.

Register to attend at this link:


14.00   Welcome – Jeff Turner

  • Introduction to HVT – Louise Cathro
  • Introduction to PIARC – Christos Xenophontos
  •  How PIARC is supporting members during COVID-19 – Christos Xenophontos
  • Insights from TC1.1 for women in transport – Anna Wildt-Persson
  • Women’s mobility and transport in African cities since the onset of COVID-19 – Gina Porter (University of Durham)
  • COVID-19 response, public transport policy and women’s mobility in Nigeria – Fatima Adamu (University of Sokoto)
  • Impact of COVID-19 on women public transport workers – Claire Clarke (International Transport Workers’ Federation)
  • Impact of COVID-19 on women professionals in public transport in Kenya – Naomi Mwaura (Flone Initiative)
15.05   Open discussion Q&A
15.25   Conclusion and summary – Jeff Turner
15.30   Close
