Säkraplatser Prize 2024

We are pleased to announce the three winners of this year’s Säkraplatsers Award in memory of Ida Johannsson, presented to students whose studies have made significant contributions to promoting safety and security in public spaces.
Elpida Stratopoulou
Hanna Wännerdahl
Rukaia Ghazy & Iulia Vladu
Their work demonstrates innovative thinking in crime prevention and the creation of safer environments, aligning with our mission to enhance security in public spaces through design and targeted measures.
We congratulate the winners and thank all participants for their valuable contributions. A big thank you to the jury who helped select the winners from among the 14 submissions. Your dedication and insightful evaluations have been invaluable in identifying the most deserving theses. We truly appreciate your effort and time.
Watch the recording of the prize ceremony HERE.
1st prize – Elpida Stratopoulou
”Shaping and being shaped by the city: A qualitative study of adolescent women’s spatial appropriation”
Read the full thesis HERE.
Motivation: “The author addresses an important and always relevant topic, yet one that often receives limited public attention. With a broad and interdisciplinary approach, the author explores young women’s experiences of the city, examining both barriers and enablers to their mobility in urban environments. The study’s methodology is innovative and specifically tailored to the purpose and target group, as the author spends time with participants, moving with them to better understand their experiences of the city. The paper is well-written and clearly follows a scientific structure. The findings reveal nuances in young people’s use of public space, their choice of locations, the need for personal space, and how safety, though not always explicitly stated, is a constant consideration in young women’s urban daily lives.”
2nd prize – Hanna Wännerdahl
“Tryggare miljonprogramsområden – Ett gestaltningsförslag för Årby i Eskilstuna”
Read the full thesis HERE.
Motivation: “This work directly addresses the critical issue of perceived safety in Million Program areas, which significantly impact residents’ well-being and quality of life. Her research demonstrates how both physical and social environmental factors shape individuals’ sense of safety. By focusing on situational crime prevention and implementing effective safety measures, she has developed targeted strategies that are particularly helpful for vulnerable groups, such as women. Her approach reflects local needs by designing public spaces that improves safety and create an inclusive community environment.”
3rd prize – Rukaia Ghazy & Iulia Vladu
“Tillsammans är vi starka: En processutvärdering av Sölvesborgs kommuns nya enhet för det brottsförebyggande arbetet”
Read the full thesis HERE.
Motivation: “The authors conducted a process evaluation of the establishment of a new unit, the Council for Safety, Security, and Public Health (TSF), in the rural municipality of Sölvesborg. The results indicate that the council’s creation addresses the need for increased collaborative efforts, greater adult presence in public spaces, and a municipal expert on crime prevention. The paper focuses on local crime prevention work and municipalities’ efforts to develop new roles and working methods. Through the study in Sölvesborg and the evaluation of the local crime prevention organization, the authors provide knowledge relevant to other municipalities across the country. The paper also highlights the distinction between crime prevention and safety-enhancing efforts to meet the requirements of the new law, and the jury hopes the findings will reach a broader audience.”

Ida was a young woman deeply committed to fighting violence and promoting justice and equality. She was a vital person within her circle of friends and highly appreciated among her classmates in the Social Work program at Umeå University. Her ability to see and empathize with people fueled her strong desire to make a difference in the world. Ida was murdered by an unknown assailant during a jog in her hometown of Upplands Väsby in August 2015, just days before her twenty-second birthday.