Research Seminars

Research Seminars 2023

Utmaningar &  möjligheter för polis, ambulans och brandkår i Sverige

30 May 2023 (hybrid event) – 09.00am-12.00pm CET

Recording 1 & Recording 2


Ett seminarium om tillgång och efterfrågan till polis, ambulans och brandkår med fokus på glesbygd.

Diskussioner om utmaningar och möjligheter i framtiden för forskning och praktiken.

Organiseras av KTH Säkraplatser Nätverket, CARER – Linköping universitetet och Uppsala universitet

Using wastewater data for monitoring COVID-19: a spatio-temporal modelling approach

17th February 2023 – 10.00am CET

Dr. Guanquan Li  – Assistant Professor in Statistics at Northumbria University

Place: Bora Bora room, Teknikringen 10B, KTH 


Abstract During the COVID-19 pandemic, the potential utility of wastewater-based epidemiology as an early warning tool has been explored widely across the globe. Methods to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater were developed early in the pandemic, and extensive modelling work has been conducted to evaluate the relationship between viral concentration and COVID-19 case numbers at the catchment areas of sewage treatment works (STWs) over time. However, there is no model to predict viral concentration in wastewater at fine spatio-temporal resolutions over an entire country, a necessary step to realise the potentials of using wastewater data to support the detection of local outbreaks. In this talk, we introduce a spatially continuous geostatistical model that quantifies the relationship between weekly viral concentrations and a collection of covariates covering socio-demographics, land cover and virus associated genomic characteristics at the STW catchment area level while accounting for spatial and temporal correlation. We use the wastewater measurements obtained at the 303 STWs in England over the period between 1 June 2021 and 30 March 2022 for model fitting. We predict the weekly viral concentration over the 32,844 lower super output areas (LSOAs) in England. We can aggregate these LSOA prediction to any geography that is relevant to public health policy-making. In addition to providing weekly maps of viral concentration at fine spatial resolutions for the whole of England, we can use the model outputs to quantify the probability of local changes in wastewater viral concentration over short time periods, which can be used as an early warning tool for public health surveillance.

Trygga stationer (in Swedish)

9 Mars 2023 –  9:30-11:30 CET

Place: Lounge, Teknikringen 10B

Youtube Video

Recording 1 and Recording 2


I detta seminarium kommer vi att presentera resultaten som uppnåtts hitintills i forskningsprojektet ”Trygga Stationer” där 47 järnvägsstationer i Sverige undersöks. Projektet leds av KTH i samarbete med Södertörns Högskola och finansieras från Trafikverket. Några frågor som ska besvaras:

  • Vad gör en station trygg?
  • Vilka är de tryggaste stationerna?
  • Hur påverkar stationsmiljön tryggheten på stationen?
  • Är mindre stationer mer otrygga jämfört med stora?
  • Vad karaktäriserar de otryggaste passagerarna?

Syftet med projektet är att skapa förutsättningar för ökad säkerhet och trygghet i kollektivtrafiken – vilket har pågått från 2021 och ska avslutas 2023.

Crime levels and patterns during the pandemic: Evidence from Poland, Sweden, USA and Brazil

27th April 2023 – 17:30 CET (webinar)


(Poland) Dr. Agnieszka Polończyk  – Assistant Professor at the Institute of Security Studies and Computer Sciences of the Pedagogical University in Krakow


(USA) Christopher R. Herrmann – Associate Professor,  Department of Law & Police Science, New York

(Brazil) Dr. Tulio Kahnconsultant at Fundação Estado Democrático and researcher at IPEA – Instituto de Pesquisas Economicas Aplicadas

(Sweden) Prof. Vania Ceccato – Department of Urban Planning and Environment, School of Architecture and the Built Environment, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
