Fear of crime

Fear of the dark. The potential impact of reduced street lighting on crime and fear of crime. In V. N.Ceccato, M. K. (Eds.) (Ed.), Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (pp. 374-388), London: Routledge.

“Fear in 280 characters”. A new approach for evaluation of fear over time in cyberspace. In V. N.Ceccato, M. K. (Eds.) (Ed.), Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (pp. 353-370), London: Routledge.

Individual and spatial dimensions of women’s fear of crime. A Scandinavian study case. In V. N.Ceccato, M. K. (Eds.) (Ed.), Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (pp. 292-314), London: Routledge.

The architecture of crime and fear of crime.Research evidence on lighting, CCTV and CPTED features. In V. N. Ceccato, M. K. (Eds.) (Ed.), Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (pp. 65-98), London: Routledge.

Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities, London: Routledge.

Fear of crime and overall anxieties in rural areas: The case of Sweden (preliminary version). Handbook of fear of crime. M. Lee (Ed.)

Assessing safety in parks: a multi-method approach. Review of European studies, 5:1-17.

Acts of vandalism and fear in neighborhoods: do they affect housing prices? In Ceccato A (Ed.) The urban fabric of crime and fear. New York, Dordrecht, London, Springer.

Perceived Safety in a Shopping Centre: A Swedish Case Study. In: Ceccato and Armitage (Eds.), Retail crime: Evidence and Prevention.

Transit Crime and Sexual Violence in Cities: International Evidence and Prevention. NY, London: Routledge.

Trygghet i kollektivtrafiken i Stockholm i ett internationellt perspektiv: En handlingsplan mot sexuella trakasserier och brott i transitmiljöer (2019)

Moving safely: crime and perceived safety in Stockholm’s subway stations. Plymouth: Lexington.

Ensuring safe mobility for all: The case of Stockholm, Sweden. Municipal Engineer, 168(1).

Airport Environment and Passengers’ Satisfaction with Safety, Journal of Applied Security Research, 12:3, 356-373

Safety and sustainability in a city in transition: the case of Vilnius, Lithuania. Cities, 28: 83-94.

