Plenary Presentations Available! Colloquium: Safety, resilience and community: Challenges and opportunities beyond the city, 29 September 2020

29 September 2020, 09:00-16:30

A full-day discussion about safety and resilience. We focused on safety issues in all settings but in particular in rural contexts. We assessed how the on-going Global-Local transformations affect the everyday life of those groups living in most sparsely populated areas. The colloquium was held in English and Swedish.

#SafetyBeyondTheCity   #SafePlaces   #SafetyResilience   #Ruralsafety





09:00  Introduction

Vania Ceccato, Safeplaces Network, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Mats Wilhelmsson, Prof/Deputy Head of School Architecture and built environment, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

William Wikström, BRÅ, The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention

Juma Assiago, SaferCities Program, UN-Habitat


09:30   Plenary session: Safety and community readiness

Chair: Vania Ceccato, KTH, Sweden

Prof. Richard Yarwood, University of Plymouth

Crime, policing and global transformations in rural areas

Prof. Susanne Stenbacka, Uppsala University

Blue light in green surroundings: Challenges and opportunities for emergency and rescue services in rural Sweden

Prof. Joseph F. Donnermeyer, The Ohio State University

Community readiness and the safety and security of rural people and communities


11.00 Session 2 – Säkerhet och trygghet i staden och på landet (in Swedish)

Chair: William Wikström, BRÅ, The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, Sweden

Linda Lindblom, (BRÅ)The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, Sweden

Brott och brottsförebyggande arbete i glesbygd – Nationellt, regionalt och lokalt arbete

Staffan Nilsson, Hela Sverige Ska leva, Sweden

Trygghet och utveckling: Icke-statliga organisationernas roll på mindre kommuner i Sverige

Elsa Häggqvist, Kvinnojouren NIKE, Gällivare kommun, Sweden

Våld i nära relation och erfarenheter av räddningsinsatser i glesbefolkade områden


11.00 Session 3 – Researching away from the city: Innovative data and methodologies

Chair: Rob Mawby, Harper Adams University, UK

Artur Pytlarz and Matt Bowden, Technological University Dublin, Ireland

Police, text alert and community. Drawing the field of rural security in Ireland

Rob Mawby, Harper Adams University, UK

Using crowdsourcing to study the safety perceptions and experiences of tourists

Vania Ceccato, KTH, Sweden

Social media and emergency services: Information sharing about cases of missing persons in rural Sweden


12.30 Lunch Hour Lecture 

Chair: Jonatan Abraham, KTH, Sweden

Karina Landman, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Sustainability, resilience and safety: challenges & opportunities in rural environments


13.30 Session 5 – Security and resilience in rural areas

Chair: Richard Yarwood, University of Plymouth, UK

Elizabeth Johnston, EFUS-European Forum for Urban Security, France

Is crime prevention reinforcing the divide or bridging the gap between urban and rural areas?

Kreseda Smith, Harper Adams University, UK

Horizon scanning rural crime in the UK during COVID-19

Shawn K. Smith, Radford University, USA

Towards a proactive assessment of school safety and preparedness – A case study in small-town America


13.30 Session 6 – Victimization and crime prevention in rural areas around the world

Chair: Alistair Harkness, University of New England, Australia

Alistair Harkness & Kyle Mulrooney, University of New England, Australia

Governance, resilience and reducing victimisation against Australian farmers

Marcelo Justus, University of Campinas, Brazil

Urban-rural differences in victimisation and prevention in Brazil

Takahito Shimada, National Research Institute of Police Science, Japan

Crime prevention behavior and property crime victimization in urban/rural area in Japan

Willie Clack, University of South Africa, South Africa

The power of community in crime Prevention


13.30 Session 7 – Urban planning and crime prevention (student session-in English and Swedish)

Chair: Krister Olsson, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Emil Holmlund, KTH, Sweden

Ready or not? Swedish municipalities’ and developers’ readiness to plan for a safe and secure public environment

Oskar Müller, KTH, Sweden

Trygghet och säkerhet i regional planering

Alicia Carlsson and Karin Hammarqvist, Chalmers University, Sweden

What factors make a public place perceived as safe, accessible and attractive? A study based on the site under Hisingsbron, Lilla Bommen

Elena Kokkalis and Josephine Gustavsson, KTH, Sweden

Vad är ett skyddat rum? – En studie om trygghet i det offentliga rummet

Pia Dahlman, SLU, Sweden

A safety-based approach to a subway square in Stockholm

Mark Scholten, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Feeling safe among strangers – An integral approach to reduce stigmatization

Roy Rizk and Shahin Farshchi, KTH, Sweden

Att prioritera trygga resor över trygga beslutsprocesser – En pilotstudie om Participatory Value Evaluation metodens förmåga att behandla trygghet

Lieke Marijnissen, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Improving perceived safety through spatial design


13.30 Session 8 – Crime and threats against farmers

Chair: Catharina Alwall Svennefelt, SLU, Sweden

Peter Lundqvist, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

Crime and threats against Swedish animal production – The perspective of Swedish farmers

Jonatan Abraham, KTH, Sweden

An assessment of crimes against animal production in Sweden using Media archives 2009-2019

Vania Ceccato, KTH, Sweden

Victimization, reporting rates and crime prevention practices among animal production farmers in Sweden: Preliminary findings

(findings are preliminary – available on request)


13.30 Session 9 – Polisverksamhet bortom de stora och medelstora städerna: utmaningar och möjligheter (in Swedish)

Chair: Anna-Karin Ivert, Malmö university, Sweden

Rundabordssamtal med

Peter Lindström, docent, Centrum för polisforskning och utveckling, Linnéuniversitetet, Sweden

Ulf Sempert, Senior forskningsrådgivare vid Centrum för polisforskning och utveckling, fd polismästare/länspolismästare, Sweden

Scott Goodwin, Polislärare vid Linnéuniversitetet, polisinspektör, Sweden


15.00 Session 10 – Environmental crime and governance 

Chair: Charlotta Thodelius, Chalmers University/Safeplaces West, Sweden

Richard Stassen, KTH, Sweden

Environmental crime in Sweden, 2000-2017

Gorazd Meško, University of Maribor, Slovenia

Water governance, water crimes and policing water crimes – Slovenian perspectives

Serena Favarin, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy

New Methods to Enhance the Study of Environmental Crimes and New Instruments to Strengthen Crime Prevention


15.00 Session 11 – Women abuse and agency in rural areas

Chair: Susanne Stenbacka, Uppsala University, Sweden

Walter DeKeseredy, West Virginia University, USA

Women abuse in rural places

Jenny Westerstrand, ROKS, Sweden

Women abuse post covid reflections from ROKS

Susanne Strand, Örebro University, Sweden

Policing Intimate Partner Violence in rural areas – Severity and Recidivism


15.00 Session 12 – Policing and emergency services in Sweden

Chair: Vania Ceccato, KTH, Sweden

Tobias Granberg, Linköping University, Sweden

Comparing planned and real response times for fires services in Sweden

Jacob Hassler, KTH, Sweden

A critical perspective on ambulance service ability areas in Sweden

Vania Ceccato, KTH, Sweden

Police Accessibility in Sweden: An Analysis of the Spatial Arrangement of Police Services


15.00 Session 13 – Crime prevention, education and innovative methods

Chair: Asifa Iqbal, Högskolan i Gävle, Sweden

Stacey Clifton, Radford University, USA

Tracking the development of coping strategies for police recruits through a network approach

Elsa Marie D’ Silva, Red Dot Foundation, India & USA

Educating women and teachers in rural Satara to respond to and prevent sexual violence

James Aransiola, University of Campinas, Brazil

Modern safety devices and crime prevention in the rural


15.00 Session 14 – Resident-based safety planning in small municipalities

Chair: Mateja Mihinjac, International CPTED Association, Slovenia

Mateja Mihinjac, International CPTED Association, Slovenia

The conceptual framework for resident-based safety planning in small municipalities

Gregory Saville, AlterNation Consulting LLC, USA

Crime reduction through neighbourhood activation in small municipalities

Tarah Hodgkinson, Griffith University, Australia

Building local capacity for change in rural Canada and Australia



