CPTED, theory and policing

The architecture of crime and fear of crime.Research evidence on lighting, CCTV and CPTED features. In V. N. Ceccato, M. K. (Eds.) (Ed.), Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (pp. 65-98), London: Routledge.

The circumstances of crime and fear in public places.A review of theories. In V. N. Ceccato, M. K. (Eds.) (Ed.), Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (pp. 43-64), London: Routledge.

Har stadsmiljön betydelse för säkerheten? In: T. Haas, D. Nilsson, K. Olsson (Eds.), Urbanismer: Dagens stadsbyggande i retorik och praktik.

Is CPTED useful to improve safety in parks? A test case in Stockholm, Sweden. International Criminal Justice Review, 26.

Think crime! Using Evidence, Theory and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) for Planning Safer Cities.

Police accessibility in Sweden: An analysis of the spatial arrangement of Police services. Policing, Volume 0, Number 0, pp. 1–16

Pettersson, T. (2019). Stadsplanering, brott och trygghet 2.0.

Situational Crime Prevention and Tax Evasion in Sweden: Proposal for an Unconventional Investigation of Opportunity Theory. Crime, Law & Social Change. 66:217–232.

Segurança e mercado imobiliário urbano (Security and the housing market). In A. Vitte (Ed.), Novas perspectivas analiticas e interprepativas da Ciencia geografica no atual contexto do sistema mundo. (pp. 16). Sao Paulo, Brazil: Paco editorial. (in Portuguese).

Does crime affect property prices in a non-metropolitan municipality? Journal of Rural Studies,39:210-218.

The urban fabric of crime and fear. New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer.

The geography of crime in the Swedish capital. In: Sociala risker och social oro: Erfarenheter av att arbeta förebyggande med sociala risker och social oro. Länsstyrelsen, Stockholm, sida 14-19

The geographic, socio-economic and cultural determinants of violence. Peter D. Donnelly and Catherine L. Ward (Eds.) Oxford Textbooks in Public Health – Violence: A global health priority.

Vandalism, The Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment

Introduction. In Ceccato A (Ed.) The urban fabric of crime and fear. New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer.

An international perspective of the gender dimension in planning for urban safety. In Ceccato A (Ed.) The urban fabric of crime and fear. New York, Dordrecht, London, Springer.

Urban fabric of crime and fear. New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer.

Tracking Social Life and Crime, Chapter 7 in Urban fabric of crime and fear. New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer.

Article by Carina Järvenhag on the impact on crime on housing prices. The article “Brott påverkar priset på bostadsrätter” was published in September 2011.

Plats som motverkar våld. Miljöforskning

Activity fields and the dynamics of crime: advancing knowledge about the role of the environment in crime causation. Journal of quantitative Criminology, 26:55–87.

Expressive crimes in post-socialist states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 9:2-30.

Crime and space: patterns of offenses and offenders’ paths to crime portrayed by Geographic Information Systems (GIS), In: Kartan och Verkligheten, The Swedish society for anthropology and geography – YMER 2008, Thomas Lunden (red.), 191-208.

Crime dynamics at Lithuanian borders. European Journal of Criminology, 4:131-160.

The geography of homicide in São Paulo, Brazil. Environment and Planning A, 39:1632-1653.

Differential Economic Performance (DEP) in the periphery: evidence from Swedish rural areas. European Journal of Spatial Development, www.nordregio.se/EJSD/

A new information-theoretical measure of global and local spatial association, S. The Review of Regional Research, 22: 13-40.


