Week 1



Changes in routine activity and security: What have we learned?

This moment feels unprecedented. The North American historian Doris K Goodwin reminds us that what makes is so hard to absorb is that the majority of us have never seen a situation that so severely disrupts our daily routines. It is true. Urban life has dramatically changed as more people stay at home, fewer are on the streets and social distancing became the new order.

These podcasts are about what we —as researchers or practitioners – have already learned about this unprecedented moment.

We reflect on what has already happened and what is to come, “our best guesses”. Anxieties and limitations as individuals and professionals are impressed in the voices of experts from rural Sweden to NYC, India or Africa. They spell out the fear of contagion, loss of jobs, security norms and social, political instability and many other real and unreal threats.

They also provide hope – as they give voices to people that are working full speed to understand and deal with pressing problems, in the hope we can be better prepared for similar challenges in the future.

All speakers highlighted the importance of knowledge as essential in this process of adapting our lives to this new reality. These podcasts are our humble contribution to this ongoing collective knowledge building.

Warmly welcome to listen and give us feedback, thank you!

Vania Ceccato

Safeplaces Network


Other Podcasts




As Malin Bergqvist well puts it “the planning we had is no longer valid … we live in a different reality that requires different types of analysis and efforts … ”. Malin Bergqvist is a public health expert from Åre, a highly demanded touristic municipality that is hardly affected by the epidemic in different ways, both in the number of affected by the virus but also the economy hardly dependent on tourism.







Jan Landström is a Security Coordinator at Nacka Municipality in the Stockholm area and for him, there is no doubt that we have much to learn from these experiences. He suggests that the municipalities have a special role in all these efforts, but he reminds us that all planning levels should be highly involved in creating preparedness mechanisms.




