Planning for the ‘new normal’: Positioning security teams to contribute strategic value – Webinar 19 May, 16:30 Swedish time

On behalf of Prof Martin Gill, Outstanding Security Performance Awards, Säkraplatser nätverket welcomes you to a series of webinars. The next webinar is 19th May 2020, Tuesday 16:30, Swedish time (15:30 BST).

Webinar 19th May, 16:30 Swedish time

Register for FREE here

Conventional wisdom is that business life won’t be quite the same for at least for quite a while. But how does the security world plan for whatever comes next? Some things we can’t know but some perhaps we can, and this webinar focusses on these issues. It will explore the relationship between security and strategic initiatives and the pressures on budgets and how they might be managed. If economic hardship follows, as seems likely, how can security prepare? How can it retain budgets if not increase them? What are the strategic routes to adding value? Points covered will include:

How far can we predict what the ’new normal’ will look like?
In what ways can security think constructively about adding value?
Where does security look to for support?

Register for FREE here

