
What does remote working mean for security? – Webinar 7 April, 16:30 Swedish time

På Prof Marin Gill vägnar, hälsar vi alla välkomna till dessa webbseminarier!
On behalf of Prof Marin Gill,  Säkraplatser nätverket welcomes you to a series of webinars. The third webinar is 7nd April 2020, Thursday 16:30, Swedish time (15:30 BST).


What does remote working mean for security?
Webinar 7 April, 16:30 Swedish time

Register for FREE here or using the links below:https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hn84itWIQfummZw9tmnxqQ

Working from home is not new, but it is on this scale. There are clear implications for security. On the one hand, there is the issue of devices being taken from work, they could be stolen and/or open to fraud, and it is not clear how alert or prepared staff or organisations are for these threats. There may be risks to company data too. There may be implications for workers, not all homes are safe heavens.

What are the other issues and how are they be managed? Where are the potential challenges and where can the security sector look for good practice? In this webinar we will discuss:

  • What are the main risks posed for security by the remote working practices?
  • How are these being responded to? What does security good practice look like?
  • What does security good practice look like?


Next webinars
